PhD student Beth Brockett shares her experience of a knowledge exchange event that brought research scientists together with the people at the practical end of land management
The idea for
a knowledge exchange event came about while I was having a chat with Chair of
the Cumbrian Farmer Network, Will Rawling, over tea and cake in his kitchen. I was
preparing to carry out fieldwork on Will’s farm to estimate soil carbon storage
and nitrogen retention and he commented that, although he had attended many
events about the importance of greenhouse gas mitigation and agriculture, no
one had ever explained the science behind the process of soil carbon storage to
him. I did my best to remedy this, and in return Will talked me through the
processes involved in silage fermentation. It struck us both that it was a
shame farmers and scientists didn’t talk like this more often and in June of
this year twelve farmers, ten farm environment advisors and nine academics met
at Will’s farm to discuss a range of scientific topics pertinent to livestock
farming in the northwest.
The event
started outside with three different activities. In one part of a field, academics
gathered participants around a soil pit to explain research into soil compaction
and how, when combined with intense rainfall, compaction can lead to flooding –
a familiar problem for many farmers in the area. The group discussed how
reducing stocking levels and farm traffic could help prevent this and recent
research into how species-rich swards can improve soil structure. The
discussion moved onto how hammering a length of drainpipe into the ground lets
researchers “take the field into the lab” to measure the nitrogen which leaches
from the soil during rainfall and how these measurements relate to the soil
biota and grassland productivity.
Nearby, other
scientists gathered farmers and advisors around what looked like an astronaut’s
helmet (and was in fact an Infra-Red Gas Analyser) to explain the basics of
soil photosynthesis and respiration, and how carbon and nitrogen emissions are
measured in the field. After a brief explanation the Analyser started to
measure the amount of photosynthesis occurring under the slightly grey
conditions. The scientists then described new research into how plant traits,
such as root length and leaf size, affect carbon and nitrogen retention
underground and how this links to the activities of soil microbes. Did you know
that there are more bacterial cells in a handful of soil than there are people
on Earth?
The flow of
knowledge travelled both ways and over in the farm yard, local farmers introduced
the monitoring scheme on nearby Kinnerside Common. A collaboration between the
commoners and Natural England, it aims to increase vegetation diversity on the
common. The farmers are trained in plant identification and surveying “with the
aid of a GPS, good eyes and a handbook” and paid for submitting information regularly.
Back in the
farm workshop after coffee, discussion around use of satellite images to analyse
vegetation and estimate below-ground processes led to lively debate, which
continued over lunch.
After the
event 94 per cent of attendees said they had found it worthwhile, with a number
subsequently getting in touch for further information about the research. With reform
of the EU Common Agricultural Policy and changes to the UK’s agri-environment
schemes likely to consider managing farmland to deliver ecosystem services like
absorbing greenhouse gases, these conversations benefit all parties:
“This kind of event enables scientists to
understand how scientific outputs are interpreted on-the-ground and stimulates
ideas and collaborations.” Catherine Baxendale from Lancaster University.
“Much of what was discussed at the
meeting was actually about good farming practice and if it helps to reduce
damage to the planet then we all win. I think more events focusing on how
sustainable food production can work alongside genuine environmental management systems, would be well
received and valued by everyone, it gets us working together and sharing
knowledge.” Chair of the Cumbrian Farmer Network and host Will
“Thoroughly enjoyed today. Personally, I would like a whole day on each
topic.” Farmer Glenis Postlethwaite.
The event was
sponsored by the Agricultural Ecology Group of the British Ecological Society
and the Ecosystems Knowledge Network and was supported by the Cumbrian Farmer
Network, NERC and Lancaster and Manchester Universities. For more information email:
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